Sunday, March 24, 2013

Free Christian Clip Art from Charlotte's Clips

Free Holy Week Writing Paper:
Click writing paper to download this Blog

Free Holy Week and Easter Sequencing Cards:
Free Easter Sequencing Cards from this Blog Only

Here is an example of how I used them with my class:

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday

Freebie Fridays


Free Christian Clip Art from Charlotte's Clips:

Click on picture below to download from my store

Free Christian Clip art from Charlotte's Clips at TPT

Check out my Newest Clip art set!
Only 2.00 at my TPT store
Great Clip art for Easter Week at TPT
Have a Blessed Holy Week and Easter!

Comments are Welcomed and Appreciated.


  1. Charlotte,
    Would love to try to use your free clip art for Holy Week! Here is my email or
    Not sure if this is what I have to do to get it. Thanks for your help!
    Peace, Elaine

  2. I followed you here from Classroom Freebies. I LOVE your Holy Week clipart. As much as I love bunnies and eggs, I enjoy the true meaning of Easter!

  3. I am new to your blog and I LOVE it! Thank you for sharing your ideas! I would love the Holy Week clip art, please!
    Many Blessings, Shanna

  4. I am new to your blog and I LOVE it~ Would you please share the Holy Week clip art with me?
    Many Blessings~ Shanna

  5. Just a fellow Jeff City-ian, wanted to say hello. Love all your clipart and ideas :)

    Sparkles, Smiles, and Successful Students

  6. Hi Amber,

    Thanks for dropping by...I am always amazed to meet someone at my blog, who lives near me.

    I checked out your blog. It looks like you have a good following. Now, I am following you too.



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